Are You Friends With Benefits? Rules for Women
The single most important thing a woman must know when she engages in a friends with benefits relationship is that it is very dangerous to convince yourself that a casual sex relationship is destined to turn into a romantic drama where the fantasy of Mr. Right Now is going to turn into a reality of Mr. Forever. This is why a woman must be in control and realistic about what she is looking for. Are you aware of the 3 Rules for Casual Sex Dating?
How to Turn a Guy On – What You Must Know Before Turning On A GuyHow to turn a guy on may seem like a silly question to some at first, but it is a completely normal question for both inexperienced and experienced lovers to ask. It is not uncommon for young people to want to educate themselves about what might arouse the opposite sex.
Sex Over the Lifetime of a MarriageMost people think that sex in a marriage is good only for the first few years. I disagree. I think good sex over the lifetime of a marriage takes focus and making it a priority.
Avoid Premature Ejaculation – So Easy to SolveFrequently, men experience premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation is when a man reaches orgasm before his partner has done so. When one has experienced this once or twice, this is nothing to be worried about. However, if this happens to a person frequently, then he has to find ways to avoid premature ejaculation or else, it may interfere with the intimate aspect of his life.
Don’t Let Sexcuses Flatten Your Sex-LifeIf sex is so fantastic why don’t we have it more often! Who’s ever been too busy for sex? Who’s ever been too tired for sex? Who can’t remember when they last had sex?
Adult Party Plans Can Spice Up Your LifeDon’t let your bedroom technique become outdated. Learn some new tricks at an adult party plans party and some great party ideas for adults.
Surprise Specials Any Day Of The WeekHaving a special someone is a wonderful thing. Whether it’s a long-term stint or a flash in the pants so to speak, it makes us view life a little differently and puts a bit more of a skip in your step. It means that more often than not your Friday and Saturday nights won’t be spent alone watching DVDs.