5 signs you masturbate too much

5 signs you masturbate too much

The Path to the Female Orgasm Is Not What You Think It Is!

The female orgasm blueprint involves much more psychological work than any prescribed technique or method. No one method or set of tricks will work on all women-and usually won’t work on more than one woman. Each woman is unique, but what they have in common is: a need for foreplay, kissing, romance, trusting that their partner desires them and is in no hurry and the likelihood that clitoral stimulation is required for orgasm.

7 Sex Reasons Why Sexual Intercourse Is Good For You – How Sex Can Better Your Health

Is sex bad for your health? Apparently not. And even if it was, I’ll put money on it that you are not going to get many people to stop bonking.

How To Keep It Up For As Long As You Want In Bed

Are you having difficulties in trying to get an erection or to stay high? A limp erection can destroy a relationship or complicate it if it is a repetitive occurrence.

Different Types of Erection Problems and Effective Treatment Options

Unfortunately, men often experience difficulties to achieve an erection. When this problem isn’t a result of low sexual desire and it doesn’t allow men to have normal sexual intercourse, it is called erectile dysfunction or impotence. Typically, erection problems are caused by a mixture of physical and psychological reasons.

Body Conscious? Try Blindfolding Your Partner And Leave The Lights On

Body consciousness can hamper a perfectly healthy relationship. This article is for men and women. A man reading this who’s partner is self conscious about her body may find it useful to suggest some of the ideas posed. Similarly a woman reading this may see a way to enhance her intimate connection with her partner. Though body consciousness is not limited to women only. More and more men are feeling the pressures too. Health figures from the U.S. estimate that over 75 percent of all American adults are obese.

Why Some Women Fake Orgasms

All over the world, some women fake orgasm, after a common saying that men do not do enough to get them in the mood for sex. They therefore go for several weeks and probably months without an orgasm. Reasons for faking include:

Top Ten Mistakes Done When Giving Her Oral Sex!

Here is the list of the top ten mistakes that people usually do when giving oral sex to women. Read this, and be sure what you should definitely evade doing.

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