How to Sound Sexy in Bed With Dirty Talk
Are you looking to spice up your sex life? Do you know how to talk dirty? Perhaps you need a few pointers to do it right. This article will give you a few pointers, tips and ideas to spice up your sex life and make you better in bed.
How Do You Get An Orgasm?With Hypnosis, that’s how! Hello, I am a practicing hypnotist and many people ask me “how do you get an orgasm” or “how can I get an orgasm?
Sex In Marriage: Keeping the Passion Alive, Post ChildrenYou’d dress up for dates so that you looked and felt sexy and then eagerly anticipate returning home together? And other evenings when you weren’t going anywhere, you’d slip something sexy on to spice things up in the bedroom? But now you are parents, and things have changed dramatically.
How The Little Blue Pill Kills Your Sex DriveI’m shocked to learn how many men in their 40’s, or even younger, are on the little blue pill known as Viagra. With any medication comes risk, and the side effects of Viagra are astounding, and as with all things natural, my opinion is there is a better way. All medications interfere with your body’s natural…
Human Pheromones for LoveOther than animals and insects, humans are also said to produce pheromones which can also trigger a number of special social responses to its receiver. This also includes attracting the opposite sex for procreation, or more commonly known as “one-night stands”.
Top 4 Secrets of Women Who Enjoy SexIt has been discovered that it is not all women who enjoy sex in their love relationships. For certain reasons, many women have not been able to reach a satisfactory level of sexual fulfillment in marriage. In respect of the foregoing fact, here are the kinds of women who enjoy sex with their husbands.
How to Beat Premature Ejaculation To Impress Your Hot Date Tonight!Have a hot date tonight and want to know how to beat premature ejaculation to impress her? You have come to the right place! Here are some surefire tips for you!