Sexual Health Facts About the Female Anatomy – Just for Men
While not every guy is a “boob man,” breasts certainly hold the interest and affection of most men. Seven of the burning questions men have about the female anatomy are answered here.
Amazing Sex – Are You Doing These 3 Important Sex Techniques In the Bedroom?There is boring sex and there is amazing sex. Obviously you want to be having the most amazing sex possible. But are you employing the 3 most important sex techniques in the bedroom?
How to Last Longer in Bed – Some Simple TipsA lot of men struggle to last longer in bed. Premature ejaculation can leave you humiliated and embarrassed. However, you can last longer in bed with some simple and easy tips. In addition to this, there are some natural penis pills and gels that can help you last longer during sex.
Avoiding Sex-Crazed GuysLove can be so confusing at times mainly because we do not know the proper definition ourselves. Love, between couples, is when each person cares for and protects each other. Affection is not some wild, untamed sexual desire.
3 Ways to Put the Spark Back in Your Sex LifeSex is a basic human need, but as your partner and you grow, you may evolve at different rates. The desire for sex becomes unbalanced in your relationship-one partner wants it more than the other. And over time, sex may become predictable and the excitement fades.
Dry Orgasm – Normal or Not?An orgasm that isn’t accompanied by a flood of reproductive fluid can be alarming, but it is not unusual. Here are some of the possible causes and what can be done to resolve them.
3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their PenisEveryone wonders how male porn stars become so large, as far as penis size goes. Well, many times it is not natural, and there are some tricks to the trade that male performers employ in order to enlarge their penis.