How To Skyrocket The Passion In Your Relationship

How To Skyrocket The Passion In Your Relationship

Things You Do That Kill Her Sexual Satisfaction And Sex Drive

Studies show that most relationships usually switch to compassionate from passionate as time goes by. While this may not be entirely your fault, there is evidence that suggests that you may be playing a significant role in the reduction of sexual excitement in your relationship. There are things you do that totally turn her off when it comes to the bedroom. The following are the things that men do to kill women’s interest in sex.

Sex and Responsibility 7: Loss of Self-Esteem

The two greatest stealers of a sense of self-worth in women is premarital and extramarital sexual intercourse. The male partners involved with these women even consider their female partners very poorly. The men do not trust these women. They treat these women poorly.

Last Longer In Bed: Proven Methods To Lasting Longer For Ultimate Satisfaction In The Bedroom

There are many ways through which you can increase sexual performance as a man. The most effective way to do this is to simply last longer in bed. This is so because the more you last during sexual intercourse, the more vaginal stimulation your partner will experience. It also increases the chances of hitting her G-spot due to the fact that you can enjoy both deeper and shallow penetrations at ease without the fear of premature ejaculation.

Strategic Sexual Foreplay For Lasting Longer In Bed

It is the wish of almost every man to last longer in bed. This is because it is one of the most effective ways to satisfy a woman. Not being able to last long enough has been the cause of many personal and relationship problems. This is despite the fact that one can easily last long in bed by using simple natural techniques. The following are foreplay tips that you can use to delay ejaculation.

Make Her Scream Now – Giving Her That Orgasm Fast

First, as you’ve noticed from the title, this article is sexual in nature. If this subject is uncomfortable for you, stop here. However, if you meant to click on this article, I’ve got something for you, vital to giving your woman the greatest pleasure she’s ever had. As a man, you pretty much know you’re going to get yours, but you want her to have some too. You want to give her that orgasm that makes her hit the ceiling, scream your name, and leave her unable to walk for a while, and forever imprint your lovemaking in her memory. Keep reading to find out the two main ways to get her off.

How to Talk About Sex

“It’s important not to skip over the first level of learning that needs to occur, which is about the very good reasons for the fear, defensiveness and judgments. What are you each afraid of? What are you each protecting against? What are the false beliefs in the way of being able to address your sexual issues openly? You can’t just stop this protect/control dynamic without understanding the underlying false beliefs and resulting fears.”

5 Things That Turns Guys Off to Sex

Has your man been keeping at arm’s length lately? Does he claim that he’s “too tired” for intimacy, or just not in the mood? It might not be work that’s turning him off; it may be something you’ve done. Here we’re going to share 5 things you may be doing that could be killing the mood for him.

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