How To Build Your Dating Confidence

How To Build Your Dating Confidence

Sex in a Self Storage Facility – Urban Myth or Fact?

Are people using self storage facilities for sex? It seems to be an increasing topic of gossip but is it merely an urban myth?

How to Be a Better Lover for Your Man – Unique Sex Positions That Will Send Him Over the Edge

If you are a woman who is lacking sexual confidence in the bedroom and feeling as though you just aren’t up to your man’s standards, then you need a little boost. If you want to be a better lover for your man and send him over the edge, these 2 unique sex positions are waiting for you to use tonight.

Which Is More Important? – Better Sex Vs Amount Of Sex

Do you feel pressured because your partner wants more sex than you? Do you feel neglected because your partner refuses to make love as often as you want to?

Top 10 Sex Tips For Men

Having sex is one thing, having GOOD sex is another. Some of you probably think you know everything about having sex with women and how to make it pleasurable for her, but the chances that you do know everything are slim, very slim. Did you know men think about sex once every seven seconds?

Why Are Cougars In High Demand?

I see a trend of younger men dating older women or “Cougar Dating” as it is called these days. I know that older women these days are taking care of themselves and looking just as hot as their younger competition. But, what is it that drives younger guys to these older women?

Sex and the Single Girl – How Long Should I Wait?

As a Relationship Confidant, I often hear that women wonder how long they should wait before having sex. My answer would depend on what the woman wants out of the relationship. If she is looking for a solid committed relationship and she just met the guy I would answer very differently than if she is a girl interested in casual sex who just wants to have fun. The first step I think women should do is to locate their desires.

Sexual Roles – Has Anything Changed?

A study of international literature from early times to the middle of the twentieth century shows a remarkably unchanging pattern regarding the sexual behaviour of men and women. The general consensus has been that men have sexual needs and the role of the woman is to help fulfil those needs.

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