Women Make Conscious Effort to Respond Sexually
The dog & ball theory – men like to chase women. Women need to make conscious effort to respond. Female sexuality involves assisting with male arousal.
The Erotic Pleasure a Man Enjoys From Sex
For men, intercourse is always an erotic act. Some men hope for a lover who is willing to explore sex play. Eroticism is often at odds with intercourse as a loving act.
Only Men Are Aroused by the Prospect of Sex
Memories & associations cause men to anticipate sex. Women do not obtain physical gratification from others. We cannot be aroused by stimuli that do not naturally occur.
Do You Have a Sex Life After 50?
“Do you have a sex life?” – Is this phone sex? – Yes… Why, after all, please whisper? – The grandchildren are sleeping.
The Most Important Woman’s Erogenous Zones
Every part of a woman’s body can be eroticized. With enough dedication, passion, time and relaxation, every part of a woman’s body can deliver incredible pleasure. Therefore, it is very, very important for you: please do not view the female body as a body with special places that cause pleasure.Think of a woman’s body as a body that is holistically POTENTIAL. Maintain your enthusiasm for experimentation and curiosity and embark on a journey of discovery with your partner!
Ecstasy Technique
The entire female body is a potential erogenous zone. At least theoretically, women can get sexual arousal from almost any physical stimulation. It doesn’t matter where this stimulation takes place. This is especially true when your partner is deeply relaxed, not bothered by worrying thoughts, and can feel 100% comfortable with you.
How To Fix Your Sexual Problems
Fixing sexual problems is easier than ever before. Revolutionary medicines and professional sexologists are here to help. But you can solve minor sexual problems by making several changes to your lovemaking style.