Beer – The New Natural Menopause Treatment
Scientists have unearthed new applications for some herbs. Find out more about hops, and why it shows promise as a natural menopause treatment.
So What Are The Menopause Symptoms?
Menopause symptoms vary greatly; in fact, there are no two women that will have the same menopause symptoms in the same order. There are some women who don?t have any symptoms as all, but not many. Symptoms last different lengths of time for different women and are caused by the hormonal transition and imbalance in a woman?s body.
Is weight training good for women
There are many women who attend a gym only to use the cardio equipment there. They never touch the weights. Most of them never get noticeable results either. If asked why they don’t train with weights the usual answer they give is “I don’t want to get bulky”. In this article I want to explain why women should not avoid weight training and why training with weights is actually appropriate for them.
A Special 50th Birthday Night …
Last night, I received a phone call from a lady friend. It was the eve of her 50th birthday, and even though she is much better adjusted than most, it was still a big deal for her.
What are the Erotic Blueprints?
What are the Erotic Blueprints™? How To Do Sex Magic Everyone wants to lead a healthy, happy in which we are financially, sexually ad emotionally stable. People would like to…
Some Facts About Wild Yam Cream And Progesterone
Wild Yam Cream has be advertised as a treatment for menopause, hot flashes, night sweats, PMS, migraine headaches, mood swings, fertility, larger breasts, heart disease, and osteoporosis. The people who sell these products claim they contain ?natural hormones? and ?hormone like compounds.? To many people, suffering from these conditions, this seems like the perfect ?medicine? to help them. In most cases these creams are not effective because the product advertised does not co…
Is Tanning Addictive?
Two French celebrities can be credited (or blamed) with the transformation from pale to tan. In the 1920s, as fashions were freeing women from confining clothes, thanks in part to designer Coco Chanel, she inadvertently gave the fashion world another new trend: while cruising from Paris to Cannes, she obtained a suntan, probably by accident. Soon, fashionable women everywhere threw away years of tradition to be tanned.
A Quick Look At Tanning Beds
Tanning Beds, also known as sunbeds, are used to emit ultraviolet radiations for cosmetic reasons such as artificial tanning or sunless tanning. Tanning beds generally come in two basic formats ? horizontal tanning beds and Vertical tanning beds.
Skin Care Products For Sun Tanning
A deep, bronzed skin, acquired by sun tanning is very popular today. Not only that, many people enjoy tanning. One only has to go to the local beach to see dozens of people lying in the sun, trying to get that perfect tan.
Is Picking A Surgeon Pot Luck?
The decision to have any form of cosmetic or plastic surgery is a very big one to make, there are many risks involved and sometimes, after hearing many horror stories in the press, it?s as if choosing a surgeon is a lottery.