Why It Is Men and Women Who Sleep Around Are Described Differently?

This is because of the social attitudes towards the opposite sexes meaning that one is portrayed more favorably than the other. Women are judged on how they conduct themselves. In terms of how they dress and how they live their life.

The Tenacity of Hope: A Sex Workshop For Massai Women

I must admit, I had heard about the “cut,” a primitive form of female genital mutilation. I read that it is done by women who, to this day, physically hold down the young girls, cut off their clitorises with a knife and then pour cow’s urine over the open wound. Yes, I knew of this gory insanity, but it seemed like yet another God-awful, far-away, unsolvable problem – that is, until Jane came into my living room.

Genital Piercing – Ritual or Aesthetic?

Genital piercing goes back thousands of years. In some civilizations, it was a ritual that was instituted as boys and girls entered puberty. While this practice remains in place in some parts of the world today, in the developed world it is more frequently done for decoration.

A Birthday Bash For Big Kids

Your birthday party can be a little more special with adult party plans. Incorporate some naughty fun into your night with birthday party ideas for adults from Positively Pink.

Discussing The Benefits Of Teen Abstinence

Abstinence is better than contraceptives. It saves us from the shame of unwanted pregnancy, getting involved with abusive partners and the pain of gaining a bad reputation particularly for ladies. However due to the changing times such value has often been regarded as a myth. Although aware of the benefits of teen abstinence, most teenagers today are too promiscuous to understand that having sex before marriage is not hip.

Teenagers And Abstinence: Is It A Realistic Choice?

Teenagers and abstinence: Is it a realistic option? Being a teenager is tough today. Not only are you worrying about keeping grades up to get into the right school, but you are also worrying about peer pressure. In addition, to that peer pressures is the pressure to have sex from not only friends, but books, television, and movies.

Teenage Abstinence: A Growing Trend With Positive Results

Teen abstinence involves the avoidance of any sexual activity or play. It involves not touching another person’s privates either using your hands or another part of your body. It is very possible for teenagers to refrain from sex and doing so will not make you weak or make you lose your sexuality.

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