How She Knows You’re An Alpha | Sex and Relationship Coach | Caitlin V

How She Knows You’re An Alpha | Sex and Relationship Coach | Caitlin V


Understanding The Sexual Mind of A Single Woman or Man

One of the major mistakes that most single men and women make when trying to understand other single men and women is underestimating just how important sex is to both genders. The tables have turned. For years men got away with thinking about sex. It was socially accepted for men to desire sex without any negative perceptions of them. For many years it was frowned upon for women to speak of sex or even let it be know that they wanted or desired sex openly. A woman that lusted for sex was considered a tramp or a woman with low standards of cleanliness. Single women were even afraid to admit to themselves that they had sexual desires because of feelings of guilt that society piled upon them.

Sexy Body Language

Not only words can give us some understanding of people’s feelings and expectations. Gestures are important between partners especially if they just started dating. Body language can show us even more about person’s hopes and character. Demonstration of the wrist, crossed ankles, an intimate look with a combination of smile and many other things can help you to impress your partner or just try to read his or her body language. There are many interesting facts as for women as for men. We hope you will find something useful for your relationships.

How to Construct an Online Profile That Attracts Swingers to You

The first step towards meeting swingers for recreational sex is to join a good online, swinger dating club. Once that is done, the creation of an impressive profile that is geared towards attracting swingers is the most important thing to get right. This article provides tips and advice on the best ways of constructing a profile that will make swingers want to make contact with you, respond to your messages and invite you to their parties.

Unconscious Communication Signals For Swingers

Unconscious communication signals, (U.C.S.) are an important part of human communication. In swinger lifestyle encounters they are at their most relevant when they indicate things like interest, attraction, and desire. When swingers meet for the first time, as they do in adult dating hook-ups or when attending swinger clubs and sex parties, U.C.S. plays a very significant role in determining the outcome of the meetings. Singles and couples who are new to the swinger lifestyle, need to learn how to recognize these signals and become adept in responding to them.

Successful Swingers Are Good Conversationalists

Swingers need to be a good listeners who are relaxed and comfortable in making small talk. This is all part of the art of seduction that begins with getting the other person to talk about themselves. It applies in all swinger situations, whether they consist of couple to couple, single to couple or couple to singles.

The Surprising Truth About Your Sexual Style

Are you able to describe your sexual style? Read this article to find out more about sexuality and the surprising truth about sexual styles.

Let’s Talk About Sex: An Exercise for Married Couples

Here’s an exercise you can do to enhance communication about marital intimacy. “Talk About Sex.” Sex is a topic that elicits a myriad of thoughts and emotions. A healthy sex life can create an overall physical and emotional well-being. Sex replenishes the body and soul and is most beautiful and sacred when experienced in the comfort and security of marriage. Lynn poses the following exercise for couples: TODAY, YOU ARE GOING TO THINK ABOUT AND TALK ABOUT SEX WITH YOUR PARTNER. Are you happy with your sex life? Are you physically satisfied? What could be improved? Are there things you want your partner to know, but are hesitant to mention? Find the courage to share your comments and concerns with your partner. Loving partners care enough to listen and want to please their spouse.

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