Sexuality – Here Are 10 Things Your Woman Thinks About When You FAIL To Give Her ORGASMS During Sex
Many men see no problem with having sex with their women and not giving their women orgasms. However, this is a huge mistake. Read on and find out exactly what your woman thinks about when you FAIL to give her ORGASMS…
How to Delay Ejaculation in Certain SituationsLearning how to delay ejaculation is a paramount of importance if you find yourself in certain situations. Most men do not realize and just assume that everything is normal when the problems can manifest mentally without you realizing in the questions below.
Questions And Answers About Pregnancy SexHow to maintain intimacy with her during pregnancy even though at times, sex may not be possible? These and other common questions and concerns about sex during pregnancy will be the topics for discussion in the following paragraphs.
How Soon Can You Have Sex After ChildbirthHow soon after childbirth can you have sex again? How will this affect a woman’s sex drive? What to avoid for lovemaking during the first few months after delivery?
Sex – Why Women Love To Do Naughty And Taboo Things In The Bedroom With The Right MenMany people have lousy beliefs regarding sex. The truth is that many women are sexually unfulfilled and one of the big reasons for that is because society has helped to condition men to have some really dis-empowering sexual beliefs. In this article you will find out why women love NAUGHTY sex and why they love to do TABOO things in the bedroom. This is required reading for every man…
Female Orgasms – Here Is What You Must Know If You Want To Satisfy Your Woman And Have Great SexAs a man who wants to PLEASE HIS WOMAN in the bedroom, there are some things you must know about women, sex and female orgasms. Those ‘things’ are right here in this article. Most men don’t know this stuff and most men are lame in bed (and ‘yes’, there is a pattern right there). Read on and discover what most men will never know and what you must know if you want to give your woman GREAT SEX…
Friends With Benefits: Can It Work?We have all heard of friends with benefits in college but does it work in the real world? How do you get into that type of situation and what are the positives and negatives. We go through some of the basics here.