Are you into feet? Here’s why! 🦶

Are you into feet? Here’s why! 🦶

Do Women Like to Keep Men in Chastity?

I’m frequently asked… “Do women like to keep men in chastity?” And to me it’s the wrong question – because apart from anything else, it fails to acknowledge the very real truth that not every woman is the same. In other words, it’s asking, in effect, if all women like to keep men in chastity. In this short article you’ll discover the surprising answer to this troubling question.

How to Cope With Sexual Temptation

Sexual temptation is one of the most commonest problem plaguing the society today. In this article, I will be highlighting some ways to curb this menace.

Male Slave Teasing Ideas

The best male slave teasing ideas come from the knowledge that your man wants you to allow him the pleasure of orgasm… but craves you to exercise your feminine power and say “NO!” right at the time when he wants and needs to orgasm the most. So, in this short article you will discover are three simple but effective male slave teasing ideas.

How To Last Longer Sexually: The Importance Of Positioning

When it comes to sexual intercourse, positioning is an important factor in how much stimulation the given position will produce for you and for your partner. This article assumes that your ultimate aim is to give great sexual pleasure to your woman and you want to last in bed for as much as possible. With that aim kept in mind, this article will give you a simple guideline for finding positions that help you achieve this aim.

How to Satisfy A Woman – 10 Simple Steps to Satisfy Her

The following article will teach you how to satisfy a woman sexually. Follow them and you will come across differently from most other guys she’s been with. She will be satisfied. She will beg you to try it again and again in the future.

Does Size Matter to Women? Here Is What Women REALLY Want in a Man! You Can Be Shocked to Hear This!

So, the ultimate, age old question: Does size matter to women? There is all this talk about penis size and whether it matters to women at all, and if it does is it girth or length, what is the optimal penis size, etc… There is so much talk but there RARELY is a sensible reading that discusses things in detail. And here it is.

Sexuality in Modern Day China

Sexuality and Chinese females in modern day China. The ‘culture’ of Chinese females and how they express their sexuality.

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