7 Tips For The First Time – Make It Great

7 Tips For The First Time – Make It Great

Sexologist Doctor And The Offered Treatment

Sex is certainly an important part of life. The dissatisfaction in this leads to ruining of the married life at most of the cases. There are various male sex related problems that cause dissatisfaction in this.

5 Things She Wants You to Know About Sex (But Won’t Tell You UNLESS You Ask)

What do women really want in bed? What REALLY turns her on? Does she have deep, dark sexual fetishes she’s not telling you about?

Masturbation: Avoid These Problematic Practices

Is masturbation healthy? Generally, yes! But there are some ways of performing the practice that can be detrimental to a man’s physical and mental health.

How to Conquer Pornography Addiction

Pornography addiction is getting more and more attention in the media these days. What happens when it gets out of control? At what point does it become an addiction? How can someone who is struggling with porn addiction get help? In this interesting and informative article, a leading British therapist discusses this problem and what can be done about it.

5 Indicators That Intimacy Has Become Just Sex

Intimacy is established in a relationship when there is affection, tenderness, trust, sharing and understanding. These are the emotions that allow us to mesh completely from two to one in our relationships. They are also the emotions that we identify with loving another person completely.

5 Ways How To Spice Up Your Love Life On Halloween

Life can get somehow dull after you and your partner have moved in together. But life can also be full of passion if you know how to make things a little bit more spiced. All you need to have is a bit of imagination and to get really creative.

Erect Penis Through the Sense of Smell: Arousing Scents

The penis responds to many different kinds of stimuli; pleasant scents are among the most effective. However, it may surprise some to learn which scents can make for an erect penis.

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